Indenture of all that one close or
orchard containing by estimation one acre or thereabouts be the same
more or less lying and being at the low end of the town of Green
Hamerton and now in the possession and occupation of the said Richard
Carwood as tenant to the said Robert Ward extending along the town
street from the land of William Silversides house to the courtyard
adjoining and belonging to the house of the said Thomas Place and
joining on the west to another close belonging to the said Thomas Place
called the Long Croft together with the appurtenances which said
indentures as to the exemption are witnessed by John Simpson of the city
of York gent and George Wiseman of the same place yeoman
Regd the
ninth of
june 1768
near four
in the
Stables to
Indentures of lease and release
bearing dates respectively the lease the fourth and the release the
fifth days of April in the year of our Lord 1768 the lease made
between William Stables of Sandy-Gate in the parish of Harwood in the
county of York Gentleman of the one part and Brian Prockter of Pannal
in the said county Yeoman of the other part and the release made
between the said William Stables of the one part and the said Brian
Prockter of the other part of and concerning all that messuage
dwelling house or tenement barns stables and other outbuildings
thereunto belonging situate and being at West Rigton in the said
county of york also all that croft or close land and a backside to the
said messuage belonging and thereto adjoining containing by estimation
two roods be the same more or less also all that piece or parcel of
land in the west field of West Rigton aforesaid containing by
estimation one acre be the same more or less and one other piece or
parcel of land in the Wrasey Ing in West Rigton aforesaid containing
by estimation one acre be the same more or less which said messuage
croft backside parcels of land and premises abovementioned now are or
late were in the tenure or occupation of Robert Ward or Wade his
undertenants or assigns also all those two closes or parcels of arable
meadow or pasture land in West Rigton aforesaid commonly called or
known by the name of Wrassey Closes containing together by estimation
four acres and half be the same more or less also all those three
flatts or parcels of arable meadow or pasture land in West Rigton
aforesaid adjoining upon and lying upon to Wrassey Ing aforesaid
containing together by estimation four acres be the same more or less
which said closes and parcels of land last mentioned now are or late
were in the tenure or occupation of Robert Ward or Wade his
undertenants or assigns together with all and singular the heredits
and appurts to the same belonging and which are granted and conveyed
unto the said Brian Prockter his heirs and assigns forever which same
indentures are witnessed by Henry Stables of Wetherby in the said
county gentleman and John Wardell of Wetherby aforesaid Yeoman in
witness whereof the said William Stables hath hereunto set his hand
and seal this fifth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and sixty eight
A memorial of indentures of lease
release and assignment bearing date respectively fourth and fifth days
of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
seventy four the lease made between James Prockter of Wetherby in the
county of York Grocer and Brian Prockter of Pannall in the said county
Yeoman devisees named in the last will and testament of Henry Stables
late of Wetherby aforesaid Gentleman deceased of the one part and
William Stables of Sandy-Gate in the parish of Harwood in the said
county gentleman of the other part and the release and assignment
being of four parts and made or mentioned to be made between the
reverend Richard Fawcett of Leeds in the county of York Clerk of the
first part the said James Prockter and Brian Prockter of the second
part the said William Stables of the third part and William Bentley of
Pannall aforesaid Gentleman of the fourth part of and concerning all
that part of a messuage or dwelling house called the Stone House
situate at Kirkby Overblow in the county aforesaid wherein Thomas
Hargrave the elder and Thomas Hargrave the younger does or of late did
dwell with its appurtenances and one little orchard at the front
thereof one barn and cowhouse therein one kitchen and stable with two
rooms over the same one john near to the said barn and one stack garth
also one other cow house swine coat and little stack garth adjoining
to the same and a lane leading down to the said messuage and part of
one pew in the parish church of Kirby Overblow aforesaid belonging to
the said messuage and also all those seven closes or parcels of arable
meadow or pasture ground situate and being at Kirkby Overblow
aforesaid commonly called or known by the names of the Stoney Leys the
Near and Far Carrnabbs the Summergate and the Carrs containing by
estimation thirty eight acres be the same more or less all which said
premises with their appurtenences are now or were late in the tenure
or occupation of the said Thomas Hargrave the elder and Thomas
Hargrave the younger and also of the other part of the said messuage
or dwelling house called the Stone House and the outhouses and
buildings which have of late years been occupied and enjoyed therewith
and a large gardens on the south side of the said stone house and an
orchard on the north side thereof and one little close or croft called
the Calf Garth containing by estimation two acres and an half be the
same more or less situate in Kirkby Overblow aforesaid late in the
possession of the said Henry Stables and now or late in the possession
of the said Thomas Hargrave the elder and Thomas Hargrave the younger
or their undertenants and all other lands tenements and hereditaments
whatsoever of the said James Prockter and Brian Prockter or either of
them in Kirkby Overblow aforesaid in whose possession tenure or
occupation whatsoever the same be and which were devised to them by
the last will and testament of the said Henry Stables and all ways
waters rights hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said
premises belonging or apptaining which said indentures as to the
execution thereof by the said James Prockter and Brian Prockter are
respectively witnessed by James Collins the younger and Martin
Richardshaw both of Swinhow with Tentergate in the said county
Gentlemen and as to the execution of the said indenture of release and
assignment by the said Richard Fawcett is witnessed by signed and
sealed in the presence of
A memorial of an indenture made the
twenty seventh day of June one thousand seven hundred and seventy four
between James Procter of Wetherby in the county of York Grocer and
Hannah his wife and Brian Procter of Pannal in the said county Yeoman
and Agnes his wife (which said James Procter and Brian Procter are
devisees named in the last will and testament of Henry Stables late of
Wetherby aforesaid Gentleman deceased) of the one part and William
Stables of Sandy-Gate in the parish of Harwood in the said county
Gentleman of the other parts of and concerning all that messuage or
dwelling house situate at Kirkby Overblow in the county aforesaid
wherein Thomas Hargreave the elder and Thomas Hargreave the younger do
now dwell and one garden two orchards one barn and cow house therein
one kitchen and stable with two rooms over the same one john near to
the said barn and one stack garth also one other cowhouse swine coat
and little stack garth adjoining to the same and a lane leading down
to the said message and part of one pew in the parish church of Kirkby
Overblow aforesaid belonging to the said messuage and also all those
eight closes or parcels of arable meadow or pasture ground situate and
being at Kirkby Overblow aforesaid commonly called or known by the
names of the Calf Garth Stoney Leys the Near and Far Carnabbs the
Summer Gate and the Carrs containing by estimation forty acres and an
half be the same more or less all which said premises with their
appurtenances are now or were late in the tenure or occupation of the
said Thomas Hargreave the elder and Thomas Hargreave the younger or
their undertenants together with all and singular houses outhouses
buildings waters watercourses privileges and appurtenances whatsoever
to the said messuage lands and tenements belonging or in any wise
appurtaining which said indenture as to the execution thereof by the
said James Procter and Hannah his wife Brian Procter and Agnes his
wife is witnessed by James Collins the younger of Swiven with
Tentergate in the said county Gentleman and Joseph Lye of the same
place Yeoman