Early Calverley Stables Wills
The Will of John Stable of Horsforth, Wheelwright - Dated Nov 11th, 1652
Leaves to his son John Stable, half of messuage, tenement and farm where he dwelt, and half of all his other lands and tenements, the other half being left to his wife Bridget, in case she married not.
The will mentions four sons: John Stable, James Stable, Joseph Stable and Jonas Stable, and six daughters: Bridget Stable, Isabel Stable and Jane Stable, all under 21, Alice Clarkson, Hester Snawden and Ann Brookes, married. Wife Bridget and son John executors. Witnesses: John Stanhope, William Nichols and Samuel Midgley
The Will of Bridget Stable of Horsforth - Dated April 22nd, 1663
She bequeaths to Jonas Stable, her yonngest son, £30, to be paid to him at the death of "old Hall wife," which is owing by Mr. John Stanhopp. To John Stable, her eldest son, 10s. To Joseph Stable, her son, 40s. To Jane Clarkson, John Stable, Bridget Stable and Bridget Broodley, her grandchildren, each 10s. Her four daughters Alice Clarkson, Easter Snawdon, Ann Brooksbanke and Jane Broodley to have all her wearing apparell and linen. Sons Jonas and Joseph executors. Witnesses: Jno. Simpson and Jno. Clarkson.
The Will of William Longfellow of Horsforth, Clothier - Dated July 17th, 1704
He bequeaths to his daughter Isabel, the wife of Timothy Stables, his cottages, buildings and hereditaments in Horsforth and also his goods, chattels and personal estate. She is sole executrix. Witnesses: John Howgate, William Sikes, Benjamin Stables. Proved 1705.