Sarah Stable of Idle (d. 1658)
This is a full transcript of the will of Sarah Stable of Idle, which was
proved at London in 1658. Sarah was a widow at the time of her death but it
is not yet known which of the Calverley Stables she was married to.
The Will of Sarah Stable of Idle (dated 1657)
In the name of God Amen
The second day of December in the yeare of our Lord one thousand sixe
hundred fiftie and seven, knowing nothing is more certaine than death and
nothing more uncertaine than the hour thereof. Therefore I Sarah Stable of
Idle in the Countie of Yorke widdowe being sicke of bodie but of good and
perfect memorie, Praised be God Do ordaine and make this my last will and
testament in manner and forme following, As for all my temporall goods my
will and mind is they be disposed of as followeth Imprimis whereas I have
given by one Indenture dated the third day of Februarie in the year of our
lord one thousand six hundred fortie five to give and bequeath the summe
of twentie pounds, I doe give first of all unto John Wilson of Buckston
three pounds sixe shillings and eight pense. I give unto Anias Wilkinson
the long table standing in my house, also the best chest standing in the
middle parlour, also three pounds in money. Item I give unto Richard
Wilkinson sonne of Abraham Wilkinson three pounds. Item I give unto
Margaret Harrbrough of Bradford two poundes. Item I give unto Mr. James
Sayle of Pudseay one cupboard standing in the house, also one bedstead
standing in the South Parlour. Item I give unto John Sayle of Woodall two
pounds. Item I give unto Ephraim Marshall five pounds and also one cow
which is called Coftrigg. Item I give unto Samuell Marshall sonne of
Samuell Marshall of Idle five pounds. Item I give unto William Marshall
and Josiah Marshall sonne of Hugh Marshall xjd poundes to be divided
equally betwixt them. Item I give unto Samuel Holmes sonne of John Holmes
of Heaton five pounds. Item I give unto Ruth Crabtree wife of Jonas
Crabtree two pounds. Also I give unto Henry Holmes one chest standing in
the South Parlour at the bed feet and sixe pounds in moneye. Item I give
unto Judiff Holmes and Esther Holmes her sister two pounds to be equally
divided betwixt them. Item I give unto Rebecca Collyer wife of Josiah
Collyer five pounds. Item I give unto Samuell Holmes the elder of Heaton
five pounds for vfis following. Vizt, to pay unto William Stead five
shillings yearly so long as Sarah his wife shall live And if the said
William Stead her husband shall happen to survive the said Sarah his wife
The said summe of five pounds shallbe at the disposing of the said Sarah
to whome she shall bequeath it by writing or otherwise in her life time.
Item. I give unto John Stead sonne of James Stead five pounds. Also I give
unto Francis Knowles sixe pounde. Item I give unto Samuell Stable one
range and the reckon, also one Table standing in the South Parlour, Also
one pounde for the beheste and benefit of [‘John’ inserted] his son
[‘John’ deleted]. Also I give unto Sarah Thornton five shillings. Also I
give unto Gilbert Stead my winnowing cloth. Also the bedstead that he
lieth in. Item I give unto Mary Ambler wife of William Ambler one pounde.
Item I give unto Jane Bentley tenne shilling. Item I give unto Annas
Wilkinson abovementioned my worse [?] petticoat, my blue undercoat, my
leather coloured wastcoat six of my best quissions and two of my best
pewter doublerts. And for the residue of my Apparell I give unto Rebecca
Collyer and Sarah Stead of Bradford. Item I give unto Martha Thornton
tenne shillings. Also I give unto John Butler tenne shillings. Also I give
unto John Sargesson tenne shillings. Also my will and mind is that if any
person or persons to whom I have given any legacies in money or goods doe
refuse to give my executor of this my will sufficient Acquittance and
generall discharge. My will and mind is that such legacies shalbe void as
though I had not given them any thing at all. My debts being paid and
funerall expenses discharged I doe ordaine and make Josiah Collyer and x
Samuell Holmes the eldest of Heaton Joynt executors of this my last will
and testament And I do hereby revoke and annull all other wills, gifts,
legacies and bequests heretofore made. In testament whereof I the said
Sarah Stable to this my will written have set my hand and seal the day and
year above written; Sarah Stable her marke Sealed and signed in the
presence of us, Samuell Marshall, Gilbert Stead, Annas Wilkinson her marke.
This Will was proved at London
before the Judges for probate of wills and granting of Administration
lawfully authorised the twentieth day of May in the yeare of our Lord God
one Thousand sixe hundred and fiftie eight. By the oath of Josiah Collyer
and Samuell Holmes Joynt executors therein named, To whom Administration
of all and singular the goods Chattells and Debts [‘of the deceased’
inserted] was granted and committed. They being first sworne by Com.on
truly to Administer.