William Stables of Horsforth (d. 1805)

In July of 1805, Mr. William Stables, a clothier of Horsforth, was murdered in his own house, and a reward of 100 guineas was publicly offered by his brother John, who, however, was strongly suspected of being accessory to the foul deed, and , either from guilt or insanity, was never happy afterwards, but hanged himself in his own barn in the September following. [Source: Yorksgen Posting by Carole Clyde, July 31st, 1999].

Letter About Raising the Reward - Sept 27th, 1805.

This is a transcript of a letter to Walter Spencer Stanhope, written by James Hardy of Horsforth, discussing the raising of a reward. It is held at the West Yorkshire Archive Service in Bradford [Ref: SpSt/3/23]. A copy of this letter was very kindly supplied by Mary Lindsey.


Dear Sir

At the request of Mr Floyd and Mr
Shipley I take the liberty to inform you of the _______ of a
Meeting that was held here by the Principal inhabitants to
Devise some further means that may lead to the Discovery of the
murder of the late Willm Stables. It was unanimously agreed
upon to enter into the following resalutions, 1st To Petition his
Majesty by Mr Savilles, that he would be pleased to grant his
most gracious Pardon to any one of the associates, excepting the
actual Perpitrator of the above, that would Confess the Crime
so that the culprit may be brought to justice, and further to
pray that his Majesty would be pleased to offer a reward
2nd resolved by that the meeting enter into a subscription to raise
one Hundred Guineas throughout the Town, Mr Floyd subscribed
Ten Guineas, Mr. Shipley Five Guineas, the rest that was presant
in Propasition, it was further agreed that as the subscription was
likely to supercede the above sum, the overflow should be return
to the Subscribers. Mr Stables Brother to the Deceased, as
to then  I am informed the rilations, offers the sum of one
Hundred Guineas, upon the same conditions – Woodheads
hath not yet reached the coal; Clough’s hath not made any
further attempt in Boring. The mason’s are going on with the
Park Wall; Hoping you are all well I remain Sir

your most Humble Servt

Horsforth Sept. 27. 1805        James Hardy

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