William Stable of Pontefract (d. 1617)

The Will of William Stable of Pontefract - Dated 1616

In the name of god amen The Eightenth day of January one
Thousand six hundreth and sixtene I William Stable of Pontefract in the county
Of yorke gentleman sicke in body but whole in minde and of good and pfect rimembrance
Prayse be unto god doe ordeyne constitute and make this my last will and testament
In manner and forme followinge First I give and bequeath my soul to almightye
God my testator and redemer and my bodie to be buridd in the pish church church-
Yarde of Alhallowes in Pontefract Itm I give and bequeath to my sonn Allan
Stable his heires and assignes forever If I doe not sell it before I die two Acres
Of Arrable land with th appurtance sett lyinge and beinge in the severall fields of
Ferry brigges whereof one Acre is sett lyinge and beinge in the field therin called
Wellcliffe Field in two landes betwene the land of Christopher Rawson on the east
parte and the landes of John Coates upon the west parte and butteth on the hagg_
of Wellcliffe hall on the south and the high way called Pontefract gate on the
Northe __ One other half Acre is sett lyeinge and beinge in Ferribrigge greanefield
upon a Furlonge there called Myrye Butts betwene the landes of the Kinge matie boath
East and west and butteth on the Kings matie high way on the North and upon a
headland of the landes of Josuah Waekfeild on the south and other two Roodes of lande
beinge in the field against Knottingelly hill betwene the landes John Havaster Esquyre
____ ____ parte and the landes of John Coates on the North parte and butteth
on the said hill on the east and the highwaye betwene the Trinkis and the Kinges
high way on the west also one Acre of arrable land with thappurtince sett lyeinge
and beinge in ferribrigge feildes afforesaid called Wellcliffe fields nigh unto the
Pinfold whereof one halfe Acre is sett lyeinge and beinge betwixt heighe of
Edmond Heyforth Booth on the south and of the North partes and butteth on the
Highway on the east and upon the west upon a headland another half Acre
Lyeinge and beinge in the same field betwene the landes of the Kinges matie on the
North parte and the landes of the heighe of Gayrl on the South parte and
butteth upon the same high way on the East and upon a headland on the west
Also I doe give and bequeath to my sonn Marke Stable his heires and assignes
for ever if I doe not sell it before I dye Two Acres of Arrable land sett
lyeinge and beinge in the severall fields of Ferrybrigges afforesaid whereof one
Acre is sett lyeinge and beinge in the feildes there called Round hill feildes in
Fowere landes betwene the landes of John Havaster Esquyre on the East parte
and the landes of Josuah Warkfeild gentleman of the West parte and
Butteth on a close called the ould cowe close on the south and upon the way
Called Cowgate upon the North and the other [‘acre’ inserted] lyeinge togeather in the feildes
There called Wellcliffe fields betwene the landes of or sovraigne lord the Kinge
upon the west parte and the landes of John Havaster Esquyer on the East parte
and butteth upon the high way called Cowgate upon the South and the heighe
of Wellclyffe on the North And also one other Acre of Arrable land lyeinge and
beinge in the sevrall Feildes of Ferrybrigges afforesaid whereof one half acre
is sett lyeinge and beinge in the field there called Round hill Field betwene the
Landes of or sovraigne lord the Kinge upon the East parte and the landes of
Josuah Waekfeild gentleman upon  the west parte and butteth upon a close
There called Cowclose upon the south parte and upon the highway called
Cowgate upon the North and another half Acre is sett lyeinge and beinge
In Ferrybrigge feildes Called the Greanefeild betwene the landes of the said
Josuah Waekfeild upon the West parte and the landes of John Jackson upon the
East parte and Butteth upon a headland on the North and upon Pontefract Greane
Field on the south parte Alsoe I give and bequeath to my three daughters Margret
Stable Alice Stable and Elizabeth Stable theire heires and assignes forever
If I doe not Sell it before I dye One Close of Arrable land meddowe and
Pasture sett lyeinge and beinge in the North field of Pontefract called the North
Field close late the land of John Ellis of Kiddall Esquyre And also I give and
Bequeath to my sonn John Stable my now dwellinge house situate and beinge
In Balygate in Pontefract with all and singular thappurtinces Thereunto belonging
with Fower Acres and a halfe of Arrable land more or lesse with one Cubbard in the
hall house and the paynted clothes in the same with the glasse wyndowes and the benches
in the same hall house and two portall doores Belonginge to the same as they now
be also in the parlor below the hall howse one Beddstead and one Presse one
Portall doore and the seailenge round about the said parlur with the paynted
Clothes over the heade and the glasse windowes with the benches of sealenge
round about the Parlur and one longe Table with a frayme in the same Parlar
where they now be also in the chamber over the hall house one standbedd with the
paynted clothes above it standeinge as it nowis on the south side on the said chamber
and the paynted clothes Round about the same as they now be Itm I give to my
sonn William Stable Twelve pence in full satisfaction & cuntentacion if his child
parte and porcon Itm I give to my sonn Thomas Stable Twelve pence in
full contentation and satisfaction of his childs parte and porcon Itm I give to my
sonn Jame Stable Twelve pence in full contentacon and satisfaction of his
childs parte and porcon Also I give unto Isabell Woodde my daughter in a
full contentacon and satisfaction of her child parte and porcon Twelve pence
Itm I give to Jane Marshall my daughter Twelve pence in full contentacon
and satisfaction of her child parte and porcon the rest of my goodes unbequeathed
& not given my debts legacyes and funerall Expence paide & discharged I give
unto Allan Stable Marke Stable Margrett Stable Alice Stable and
Elizabeth Stable whome I make my Executo & Executrics of this my last
will and testament as is abovesaid and I make Mr Thomas Stable of Pontefract
Alderman and John Stable senior John Stable junior John Tatun and William
Tatun of the same Towne _ _____ supvisors of this my last will and testament
unto whom I give to every one of them for theire paynes Three shillinges Fore
pence apeece These beinge witnesses Thomas Stabell William Tatan
David Greene Robert Greene Richard Sprooston and John Stable Seald &
Signed the one and twentyth day of Aprill One thousand six hundreth and
Seaventene by the said William Stable gentleman These beinge witnesses
of the sealinge Thomas Stables John Tatam William Tatam Robert
Greene and John Stable Senior.


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